
· 11Unit Eleven Agency教案-《外贸英语函电》

5点24K[05-08 ]

· 10Unit Ten Complaints and Claims教案-《外贸英语函电》

5点36K[05-08 ]

· 09Unit Nine Insurance教案-《外贸英语函电》

5点24K[05-08 ]

· 08Unit Eight Packing and Shipment教案-《外贸英语函电》

5点20K[05-08 ]

· 08Unit Eight Packing and Shipment教案-《外贸英语函电》

5点20K[05-08 ]

· 07Unit Seven Establishments,Amendments and Extensions of LC教案-《外贸英语函电》

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· 06Unit Six Payment教案-《外贸英语函电》

5点21K[05-08 ]

· 05Unit Five Order and Conclusion of Business教案-《外贸英语函电》

5点23K[05-08 ]

· 04Unit Four Offer and Counter-offer教案-《外贸英语函电》

5点27K[05-08 ]

· 03Unit Three Enquiries and Replies教案-《外贸英语函电》

5点22K[05-08 ]

· 02Unit Two Establishing Business Relations教案-《外贸英语函电》

5点17K[05-08 ]

· 01Unit One Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing教案-《外贸英语函电》

5点17K[05-08 ]

· 2022年四川省成都工贸职业技术学院单独招生考试综合素质及专业技能测试试题

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· 2021年四川省高三对口升学联考财经商贸类专业综合试卷

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· 【cnzj5u】《国际商务英语阅读》课件:第十六章 China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

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· 【cnzj5u】《国际商务英语阅读》课件:第十五章 International Business Organizations

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· 【cnzj5u】《国际商务英语阅读》课件:第十四章 E-commerce

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· 【cnzj5u】《国际商务英语阅读》课件:第十三章 Culture and International Business

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